Monday, February 1, 2010

Journey to 40 and Sporty Day 9

Well , this morning I got up and decided to try and finish scrubbing the floors before it was time to get ready for church and that I would excercise  later. After church I had to run to Joannes to get a black soft piece of fabric. I get to "shoot" a friends new baby on Tuesday and want a black cloth. So excited by the way!! I am trying to build a portfolio to further my journey to hopefully be able to volunteer for NILMDTS. So ,after running around and doing some lesson planning at the bookstore, I start to head home.Knowing I had time when I get home to get on the treadmill. Well on my way home , I started to feel awful sick!!! Thought I would have to pull over a couple of times to get sick.Sweating,clammy and headache. Prayed my way home. My contacts were bothering me ,so I think one wasn't on right and it all had to do w/ that. Not seeing right...headache ... nauseas. ( DID I spell that right??) So, I am sad to excercise. Went right to bed.I plan to do more today to make up for it.

Ate well yesterday.
Breakfast ~ Turkey and red fat cheese coffee
Lunch ~ Taco salad
Dinner~ Well not great... wanted to wait to eat dinner when I got home so I had a little bit of cashews and string cheese for a snack on my way home before I started feeling awful.

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