Monday, January 25, 2010

Journey to 40 & Sporty Day 3

 What a long day!! I am so tired  and it took me all day before I got on that treadmill but I did it. Woo Hoo!!! I ran 2.65 miles.  I have definetely learned that it is best if I get on that thing first thning in the morning. Thankfully I still did it but usually it is highly unlikely that if I don't get it done in the morning it is just not happening. I am ready for bed after dinner. LOL For breakfast this morning I had granola and coffee. For lunch I had Taco Salad. I had a late lunch and no dinner. I know not the way to go. Tomorrow I plan to start measuring out portions and keeping Weight Watcher points as well as limiting carbs. I have found that I really need to cut back on carbs and have more protein and veggies to lose weight. I have a couple of programs that I think will work good for me. Yep , I have many .. The Queen of falling for and buying every diet program I see. Some I think must be good ones  but you have to do them to find out. Sad I know . But it is a fresh start and I am excited.

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