Thursday, February 18, 2016

We have moved!!! You can now find us at

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

It's About the Little Things

Every time I look at these flowers today, I tear up!!! On Valentines Day,I had a conversation with my husband that I really did not want him to waste money on flowers for me. I love flowers but since they do not last long , I would rather that he just surprise me every now and then and pick some for me on his way home from work. We have been working hard at getting our Dave Ramsey on so flowers are not in the budget. With that said,many, many loooooong ,cold,snow covered days have passed since then. As I went to the store with my budgeted money for groceries in my lovely envelope system one day last week, the flowers looked extra beautiful and I was so longing for Spring. I cannot tell you how many times a bouquet of flowers went in and out of my cart. I checked out with no flowers in my cart and thought about them all week. Sat. morning as we sat at the table with our bills and envelopes, I carefully mentioned that it would really be a good day for flowers. " I know what I said before but I could use some flowers to brighten up this house. Since you are going to Sams maybe, since you can get such a great deal and I know they have those daises I love???" We finished up and there was really no way that could make the list. So I went about my to do list and headed to the store to get groceries. Soon after I got there , I ran into a dear friend. She was buying some flowers. I let her know how nice they were. Before I knew it, she went and picked out another bouquet. She gave it to me to give to one of my daughters friends who was here staying  for Spring Break for her birthday. But that would mean, I WOULD GET TO ENJOY THEM FOR A WHOLE WEEK!!!!!

Oh the Deep Deep Love of Jesus!!!  I am so grateful that this sweet friend who is led by the Spirit. Oh Lord help me to be so filled with you that I am aware of those little things that you are leading me to do so I can be used to bless others in BIG ways!!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's That Time of Year Again

First , I want to thank my family and friends for all of the support you have given over the years as we have celebrated Alayna's birthday with a pie sale. We could never have done it without all of you. As November comes closer each year this pie sale looks so big!!! Stress and those overwhelmed feelings set in until God gently reminds me that this is not our pie sale but his and if I let Him ,He will take care of it. This year was no different. This year will go down first as "The Baseball Year" and second and somewhere in the back of our minds ( well, not mine..LOL) they will remember," Oh yeah ,and that was the year Mom started her photography business." On top of all that , a couple of my pie bakers are down and out. My mom broke her ankle and had to have surgery and my good friend Val had to have surgery and then had some
complications from her surgery.Please pray for healing and something to make them smile while they hang out in their homes as they recover. Thank you to the both of you for all the help you give every year. Mom is my main Pumpkin Pie Baker ( What would I do without those pumpkin pies at Thanksgiving!!!)  and Val has added a new yumminess to the mix. The first year she baked for us, she made the most yummy Buttermilk Pies... EVERYTHING from scratch.She didn't just buy lemon rind , she grated it.She didn't just buy lemon juice , she squeezed it. They were amazing !!! I am so grateful for all they do for me and certainly want to be there for them during this time  and honestly am not sure I want to even think about pies. But, I do love to think about Alayna and celebrate the day she came into my life.

When I talked to my family about the possibility of not having the sale this year,it did not go over well. It really is so much fun and when we get over ourselves....ok ,when I get over myself.... it happens. God works it out every year and grows it a little more each year. Olivia, pleaded with me to not give up and reminded me that this year the pie sale would fall right on Alayna's birthday and she also reminded me of what a great helper she is. We have so much fun celebrating Alayna's life in this way and how special that it will be on her actual birthday. Isn't it amazing when God speaks to you through your children.Not to mention that my friends usually have to kick me in the rear about this time every year. I am so grateful for all of them. We are moving forward with faith!!

We started the pie sale about 8years ago when we wanted to sponsor an orphan from the Phillip Hayden Foundation in China in memory of Alayna. I LOVE the Phillip Hayden Foundation!!!!!My friend Sarah not only opened my eyes and taught me about the orphans of the world but shared her newsletter from this foundation with me. It is a home for the unwanted children with special needs in China. I fell in love with these children. At the time we did not have the extra money to sponsor a child. I talked to my sister in law and she suggested a pie sale. She really took the reigns and got it going that year. I truly had probably only made 2 pies in my lifetime up until that point. I also had my right hand gals, Amy and Sarah. So many more joined that first year and over the years!! To all of my pie bakers , pie buyers,pie sale prayer warriors, I needed every one of you. Thank you so very much and I love you all!! 

The pie sale has always been about Orphans and Smile Train. As I learned more and more about the needs of the orphans I realized that Alayna had more love and care in her 2 little weeks of life than most of these children would ever have. My heart breaks for these children and how I long to adopt and give children who need homes and love a family of their own. Since that is not in God's plan right now,I have found ways to minister to the needs of orphans with the money from the pie sale every year.November is Orphan Awareness Month which made it even more special. My heart has not changed but I am feeling God calling me to do something different this year.

There are some children who are weighing very heavy on our hearts these days.

This is Noah and Naomi,children of Samantha Roszel & Justin Wagner.They were born on August 25th at 26 weeks. They were 14 weeks premature.They each weighed about 1lb 11oz when they were born. There have been many ups and downs for these little ones and their family. Noah now weighs 3lbs 9oz and Naomi weighs 3lbs 6 oz. They still have a long way to go  A portion of the proceeds will go to these babies and to help in some way meet the many needs they will have along the way. Please pray for these sweet babies and their family!!

This is Matthew Stahl. On Oct.29th , Matthew went to live with Jesus unexpectantly. We loved him and we love his family. We want part of the proceeds to go to the Stahl family to help them celebrate Matthews birthday on June 15th. It has been very special to us and has brought us great joy to be able to do something in Alayna's memory on her birthdays and we would like to be part of helping them do this as well.Please keep them in your prayers. The holidays are coming which makes missing your child even more painful.If you can imagine that.

The pie sale will be on Wed. Nov. 21st.Our hearts are full and we cannot think of  a better way to celebrate this year!!! More details will be coming soon.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thursday's Abundance of Thanksgiving ~ Be still and know that I am God

    The verse from Psalm 46 verse 10 has been playing over and over again in my mind for weeks. " Be still ,and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."  The NASB version says." Cease striving and know that I am God........"
Oh, to be still and to cease striving, why do we make it so hard to do?? Even as I write this , my mind is racing with so many things; all that I have to do, all that is troubling me and all of the things that I wish my Father from Heaven would come  and sit right here next to me and give answers to. I forget that He is right here with me always. I forget how awesome a gift that the Holy Spirit is as I long for Him in person. I forget that all I have to do is ask for wisdom and it will be given. I forget that He is in Control of all things and I forget how AWESOME that is. I forget that He is all I need and my very best friend. A song by Bethany Dillon called "All I Need" keeps running through my head too.

"All I Need"

When the day is done
And there's no one else around
While I'm lying here in bed
You're in my heart, You're in my head
You're all I need, You're all I need
There are a million voices
Calling out my name
But You're the One I want to hear
So make the others disappear

You are all I need when I'm surrounded
You are all I need if I'm by myself
You fill me when I'm empty
There is nothing else
You're all I need

When the morning comes
And Your mercy is renewed
There's a fire in my bones
I'm not afraid to go alone
You're all I need
You're all I need
The sun on my face
I hear You whisper loud
You're still the God that opens seas
Every flower, even me
You're all I need
You're all I need

I'm drawn to everything that You do
Nothing compares with You 

  Though this season I am in right now feels lonely and even somewhat painful, I decided to take this time to do something I have wanted to do for awhile. I have been wanting to dedicate a day of the week to sharing my journey of counting gifts. I started this journey after reading "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp. I cannot even begin to tell you how this book is changing my life. I know you have probably already heard me saying that. But I will say it again and again. Blogging has not been happening as much as I would like it to so I need a focus. I hope to at least make it here on Thursdays. Blogging is so good for me just as scrapbooking is...taking time to reflect on the many blessings I have in my life. It truly stirs my soul to see God for who he really is ,to enjoy his character and attributes.

  I hesitate to give my numbers because I must confess that I struggle to be consistent in writing them down. I am grateful that I am always ( since reading Ann's book) looking for the gifts and that my eyes are being opened more and more each day despite my lack of discipline.  So I will give my numbers and break free from the lies I that screams FAILURE! Ba Bye!!! :0)

I am on ....
 215. For the time this weekend that God caused me to BE STILL

This a hard one..... I truly struggle with feeling like it is a curse but......

216.That people can usually tell if I am upset about something from the look on my face. I am grateful for this for  a couple of reasons...1. That I am real and no matter how hard I try I cannot be fake      2. That because of this I know who my true friends are and they love me unconditionally 3. that at times it is my sinful thoughts rising to the surface. YIKES!!! Yes, I am grateful!!

217.That when I seek Him ,He is faithful and speaks to me all over the place and through everything.

218. His Word and how he has been speaking through good books that only lead me to His Word and His goodness
219. Playing in the Mud 220. Campfires 221. Roasted hot dogs 222. Yard Sales,Flea markets and Second hand  and Antique Stores 223. My country home and my love for decorating ( It is still there :0) )224. Quilting  225. Scrapbooking  226.Basketmaking 227. Test scores that give encouragement 228. Healing that takes place through repentance 229. digging in the dirt and the messages that come through flowers

How like God  that after I posted this , I went to read my devotion for today and this is what it said:

" Relax in My Healing,holy presence. Be still while I transform your heart and mind. Let go of cares and worries, so that you can receive My Peace. Cease striving and know that i am God. Do not be like Pharisees who multiplied regulations,creating their own form of "godliness." They got so wrapped up in their own rules that they lost sight of Me. Even today,man-made rules about how to live the Christian life enslave many people. Their focus is on their performance rather than Me. It is through knowing me intimately that you become like me. This requires spending time alone with Me. Let go, relax,be still,and know that I am God."
Psalm 46:10 , I John 3:2
Sarah Young's "Jesus Calling"

230. The work that I feel Jesus doing in me through hard times.

Friday, May 27, 2011

One Day without Shoes

Our day w/out shoes consisted mainly in my home doing school. When my hubby got home, I tried to talk everyone into going to town and taking a walk in our bare feet. My hubby thought I was crazy .You see it was a very cold in our neck of the woods for April . We had rain,snow and sleet all in one day. He added in that we also had a meeting we had to be at in about an hour and a half. Sometimes he is just not crazy enough.But the good news is that I have a son who is and maybe another that will follow in his footsteps. :0) We really did not have enough time to make signs ( seeing how my hubby said,"There will be hardly anyone in town and they certainly will not ask why you have no shoes on. They will just think you are crazy and call children's services because your kids have no shoes on.") and go walk in town and get back in time.Two things: 1. He needs his Vita Meeta Vegimen and to join the happy peppy people and  2.I truly need to not be such a procrastinator . This has got to stop once and for all!!! I just saw there was an event tool kit that I could have ordered to help in our efforts to make a difference. I am thinking next year not only will I be barefoot but I will push shopping carts around town w/ signs on my back selling salad dressing to raise money for Toms shoes. In case some of you are confused I am using some "I Love Lucy" humor. In case you do not know about "One Day Without Shoes" You can go here to their website and find out all about it.

Celebrating at the Clayground

When he turned 40 , the kids and I were so excited that we came up w/ a wonderful gift for him. In high school he used to do pottery and loved it. He has missed it ever since. So we decided to get him a gift certificate at this wonderful place called the Clayground. It gave him 2 hours on the wheel and a huge bag of clay. We could not wait to give him this gift. We thought he would run right up there to use it. The gift was given  to him in 2010 and finally used it a year and 3 months later after we got notice that the Clay Ground would be closing. We were so sad to hear the news. So we decided to all go and make a time of it!! It was fun to watch him. It brought back memories. I couldn't help think of that scene from Ghost and hear that song. "Oh, my love...... my darling....... I've hungered for your touch..... a long lonely time....... and time goes by so slowly......... and time can do so much....... are you still mine? .....I need your love.......  I need your love................. Godspeed your love to me"

 He looked extra cute sitting at that wheel. Just sayin!

This time when I go to check on him, I let him know that I love what he has done so far and ask him about my fruit bowl. You see years ago he broke my lovely, beautiful fruit bowl and never replaced it . So, I was so excited that he now would be able to make me one. He replies," It has been 20 some years since I have thrown on the wheel." I did not understand. I mean how hard can it be to make a fruit bowl and hey, he still knows the lingo. He lets me know that my fruit bowl is sitting over on the table.

Here it is; my lovely, beautiful fruit bowl. I still thought he was pretty cute and reassured him that it was ok if I did not get my fruit bowl  . I felt bad that he already waisted so much time tryng to do that.  

While Daddy was working the wheel , the kids and I had some fun as well. We splurged some because it was the last day we could ever enjoy the Clayground. We were so sad to see it go. Not that we were great supporters. We were able to go 2 times before. Both times were extremely fun!!! I chose to paint a tea cup. I cannot wait to see it finished.

Unfortunately, I did not get a shot of Livy w/ her creation. Well, or should I say ,not one that she would probably ok for blogging material!! :0)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Love Letter

The other day  we went to McDonalds to have lunch with my good friend Thelma ( I am Louise :0)) and her daughter Madigan. Maddie was scheduled for another surgery (go  here to learn all about Madigan's story) and we wanted to see her and give her some goodies. Jonah made her a card and when it was time to give it to her , he could not stop giggling.

                                         Here is the card he made for her. :0)

When Madigan figured out what the card said, she could not stop giggling either.